About Authors

All these Bloggers have been hand-selected to represent KPYUSA Dhamma teachings online. These bloggers have shown dedication in their daily Dhamma practice. They have applied the teachings from KPYUSA and positively impacted their lives. We hope that their blogs chronicle their journey towards freedom from self-oppression. Their blogs will serve as a real example of what practitioners think and contemplate. Because they are all still practicing and on their paths, they are not expected to get everything right the first time around. This is why we all need teachers and guides. The teachers and guides, along with the bloggers themselves will comment and help guide each other on the path. This way, we can all learn from their mistakes and successes. Both are equally valuable. May all who read these blogs be encouraged to start or continue their personal Dhamma practice. May you all find some value in these blogs that can positively impact your lives. May you reach your goals.

About our Teachers:

Mae Yo:

Phra Anandapanyo:

Neecha Thian-Ngern:

About our Authors:

Alana Denison:

IMG_20141124_140703401Alana is one of KPYUSA’s brightest stars. She absorbs teachings like a sponge and is extremely diligent in her application of them into her daily life and practice. She is extremely dedicated to her path and it shows in her practice.
Alana has been able to conquer many of her demons and has grown into a very mature spirit. Using numerous KPYUSA wisdom based Buddhism techniques, she has been able to see herself through many perspectives and has begun a process to mold herself into the best version of her possible.

Strengths: fast and methodical thinker, self motivated, focused, uses sensitivity to notice the world and internalise those observation. 

Weakness: little hearted with self doubt/self hate issues, anxious, judgemental, will only do things on her  terms.
Her journey is very detailed and has been chronicled in her journal. We have asked her to blog in order to share her journey in case it will be of benefit to those who desire to practice.

img_6308.jpgAmy is an integral part of our temple. You will be hard-pressed to find someone who has dedicated more time and heart to serving and helping the monks and nuns of KPYUSA. She is known to be quite stubborn at times, but that is also the cause of much of her Dhamma learning. Through her stubbornness, she has been able to learn much about herself and this world. All that learning has made her steadfast and firm in her path for enlightenment. Amy has progressed from a shy, easily embarrassed outsider to a beloved, confident, humble and wise person. Follow her journey through her blog!

Most of Amy’s blogs will be in Thai.

Belle S.:

1447483016041Belle is a Thai born in the United States. She moved back to Thailand where she was raised. She was born into Buddhism and had always wanted to practice Buddhim, but never really knew or understood how. Belle graduated with a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering, worked for 6 years, got married and then resigned to be a full-time mom of 2 beautiful daughters.

Belle often struggled with raising her two daughters and often felt troubled and at times hopeless. This was probably one of the hardest things in her life – trying to be a good mom. Belle sought a way to solve her problems and found her way with KPYUSA wisdom-based Buddhism. Ever since then, she has been using the techniques provided by her teachers to become a better mom.

Strengths: Fast learning, good memory, highly responsible, independent, like to think outside the box.

Weaknesses: Low self esteem, care too much of what people think, longs for attention and love, get angry easily

Working on: being an understanding, reasonable, kids’ best friend mom and preparing the kids to be ready to live their lives when mom was not around

Most of Belle’s Blogs will be in Thai.

Curtis Wong:

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Curtis Wong was born and raised in San Francisco. His father was a blue collar warehouse worker and his mother was a stay-at-home-mom. He was raised an atheist, converted to Christianity and now practices Buddhism. He’s been married to a Thai woman for the last seven years and is helping to raise her teenage son. He previously worked for 20 years as an investigator for a large government agency and retired in 2013. Prior to that, he worked as a CPA. Now Curtis takes part-time jobs and likes to cook and bake.

Curtis has been learning and practicing KPYUSA style wisdom-based Buddhism since he found it in 2011 when he brought his wife to the temple.

Curtis is an analytical person, a good listener, easy going, quick to chuckle and smile and flexible. However, he can be not so good at expressing his feelings, sometimes speaks before thinking, procrastinates and can be strong-willed.

Weaknesses: “Not good at expressing feelings, can speak before thinking, procrastinator, and strong willed at times.”

Currently, he is working on raising his son without controlling him, thinking before he speaks and adjusting to the retired life.

Curtis has a lot of great insights about being a new father to a teenage boy and is currently learning more and more about Buddhism each day. Hopefully his blogs can serve as a resource for those who relate to him.

Erwin Faizal:

Erwin2 400x400We first met Erwin at an annual Sangha Meeting in North Carolina. The following year, Erwin brought his wife Theresia (also a blogger) to the temple to get help for her in dealing with the passing of her father in Indonesia. Over the course of the next few years, Erwin and Theresia traveled over an hour each way to come to the temple every Saturday for the discussion group.

Erwin is a natural at KPYUSA wisdom based Buddhism. He was able to see the Truth early on with his “I am a Fire Truck” (there will be a blog on this) story and it helped him see himself in a new light. Since then, he had been progressing steadily in his Dhamma practice.

Being easy-going, diligent, patient and his ability to explain hard concepts have contributed to his progress in Dhamma practice.

In terms of weaknesses, Erwin is working hard to fix his habit of not finishing something once he starts it and sometimes being off the point.

Erwin is a native of Indonesia and is currently working as a web engineer. He is also a permanent resident of the United States along with his wife and KPYUSA blogger Theresia.

Erwin will have blogs in both English and Indonesian.

Jason Konik:

Jason 400x400Jason is the son of immigrants to the United States. He is fascinated with history and is now a teacher of it. Jason is very dedicated to his Dhamma journey. He is the classic case of a worldly scholar trying to convert his worldly knowledge into Dhamma knowledge. While he encounters many obstacles (mental and environmental) in his journey, he does not give up. When he gets constructive criticism, he takes it and tries his best to apply it. He is devoted and hungry for the understanding that comes with seeing the Dhamma through ones own eyes. Each day, each issue, he gets closer and closer to seeing it for himself.

His strengths are his dedication, determination, quick learning speed and ability to grasp concepts.

His weaknesses are his confidence and strong belief that he isn’t wrong.

Jason is currently trying to convert his book knowledge to true understanding.

We hope his blogs will serve as encouragement for those walking the Dhamma Path.

Katie Yip:

Oat Gunjeakpong:

Oat1Oat first came to us as a volunteer emcee for our Kathina festival. After that, she was intrigued by the KPYUSA wisdom-based teachings and sought to find understanding for herself. As she sat in more and more discussions, her understanding grew. At a certain point in her practice, everything became much more clear. From there, she was able to learn valuable insights about herself and grew immensely as a Dhamma practitioner.

Follow her blog to follow her Dhamma journey

Strengths: Once she gets excited about something, nothing can stop her from finishing it. She is very intelligent and tricky in her thinking

Weaknesses: Often has trouble saying no to things that should be said no to, and saying yes to things that should be said yes to.

Oat will post blogs in both Thai and English

Paul Buckley:

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Paul is a veteran of many KPYUSA retreats. At these retreats he is known for his quick analytical thinking and investigative questions. He is a fast learner and grasps new concepts easily. He was lovingly given the Thai nickname of “Tonson” or “Pine Tree” by his peers at the retreat.
Paul is a very sensitive person and that makes him very perceptive. He is quick to express gratitude and quick to help others. He is a valued member of our group.
Paul is a native San Franciscan and has been coming to Watsanfran and KPYUSA since 2009. He has grown a lot in his practice and we hope that his blogs help you find your path.

Theresia Jap:

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Just like her husband Erwin, we first met Theresia at a Sangha Meeting in North Carolina many years ago. After the passing of her father, she was distraught and came to our temple to search for guidance. Since that time, she’s been coming to the temple consistently for many years. Over that time, she has made great strides in personal growth and Dhamma learning. She has overcome any personal wrong perceptions and beliefs.
Theresia, a native of Indonesia, is a strong kind soul. She is quick to smile and is quite friendly. She is now living in San Jose, California with her husband (and KPYUSA blogger) Erwin.
We hope you gain benefit from reading her blog.
Theresia will have blogs in both English and Indonesian.

Tiki Juntakool:

20160605_094123Tiki was born in Thailand and moved to the United States as a young adult. He is a web developer and an avid cyclist. He lives with his dog, “Pansib” in San Francisco. Tiki is best known to his friends as a “complex-hero.” Tiki is quick to offer help to others and is always going out of his way to help those in need. Tiki practices KPYUSA style wisdom-based Buddhism in his everyday life. The practices came just in time to help him get through difficult decisions he had to make during his father passing away after a long battle with cancer and also help him see the impermanence through his father’s death and utilize that in his practice. His blogs will reflect his practice and his experiences.

Strengths: Good at listening. focus, stay on topic, Be able to read the situations and surroundings quickly.

Weaknesses: Say yes too fast, stay with old stuff and not willing to try new things or change easily, stubborn and not thinking through

Hope you find them helpful!