A Video of My Own

Around the time Mae Yo was peppering me with video clips, I saw something of my own that really pierced my heart. I had started watching True Bloods on HBO and the opening credit sequence just blew me away. I have attached the video here for reference:

While many of my contemplations are technical: An exploration of worldly or mental processes, or cause and effect, when I saw this video my response was  just visceral. This is how the world really looks without ‘make-up-on’ and it is not pretty. I watched it again and again, sometimes pulling out a piece of paper and making a list of what I saw, or calling out loud what the video demonstrates this world really  boils down to: Desire, delusional hope, violence, desire, violence, hate, aging, death, desire, decay ,hate, delusional hope, desire, decay, violence, delusional hope, birth, delusional hope, birth.

I could clearly see that the images were changing in their details, but the world is just on a loop. Same shit, different day. Desire, delusional hope, violence, desire, violence, hate, aging, death, desire, decay ,hate, delusional hope, desire, decay, violence, delusional hope, birth, delusional hope, birth. Each time I watched it I wondered how this is what I keep coming back for.

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