Knowing Is Only Half The Battle

First a short video.

Wow. Its a good thing Roadblock was there to help out and let him know. Now he knows and knowing is half battle. Unfortunately for this young man he’s most likely going to experience said trouble that stranger was bringing him because Mr. Roadblock failed to mention the other half of the battle. The other half of course being the doing!

What is knowing without doing? Knowing without doing is like knowing you fell down, snapped your arm in two and not going to the doctor. You know to stop at a red light but instead of doing it you drive through. Imagine you hit someone after going through that red light and you tell them you knew a red light means stop but you didn’t do anything about it. Even better, imagine someone smashing into your car with you and your friends in it, your child, mother, father in the car and telling you they knew red light means stop but they didn’t do anything about it! You get pulled over, the officer is writing you a ticket, you tell the police officer you knew a red light means stop but you didn’t do anything about it. Imagine what that would do for you. Ill give you a hint; it wouldn’t do much in the way of helping! In fact it would make the situation much worse.

Our spiritual and emotional life is no different. We can know all we want but without doing that knowledge is useless. What is knowing your loved ones can pass away at a moments notice but you’ll call them tomorrow? What is knowing you’re wrong but not admitting it? What is knowing you’re afraid but doing nothing about it? What is knowing the source of your suffering yet doing nothing about it? Knowing is only half the battle, we must do.

How do we do you ask? A later post perhaps.  🙂

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