Whooa Wait a Sec. It’s ME, You Mean it’s Really ME, it’s Been ME This Whole Time?!?!

This next section marks an important shift in my practice and my perspective as I began to zoom-in on the role I play in creating my own suffering. Sure, before this I had an intellectual understanding that I had wrong views, that I was the source of those views. That is, after all, the only rational explanation for all the problems I had managed to solve. Nonetheless, I sorta viewed myself as a victim in my own stories and struggles. Like suffering was something that happened to me and I was stuck cleaning-up the mess. After the first story in this next section it became increasingly clear that I am the one running around stirring my own pot, making my own messes, seeding my own suffering. Oh, and in the process, I am messing with everyone else too…poke poke goes the little ME monster.

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