Total Dharma Meltdown 2.0

June 27, 2019

Mini Retreat Day had arrived and, encouraged by my grapes Ubai and my Outline to Enlightenment, I decided to put my big girl pants on and attend. Those pants however were not white. Instead, I wore pale beige – something I hoped was modest, appropriate and respectful, but not the white of the precept takers because I still didn’t feel ready to take those vows. The first night went smoothly…


Time Out: An Outline To Enlightenment

June 20, 2019

So Dear Reader, in case you have not already noticed, I am a woman who likes control. And what better way is there to control than having a plan 😉? Obviously, this blog is filled with stories about my lack of control –of my best laid plans ruined by all sorts of stuff. But, being a planner isn’t all bad, it has helped me be a systematic thinker, an outliner,…


Grow Little Grapes. Grow Damn You!

June 13, 2019

It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and Eric and I decided to go for a drive to Napa. We were cruising along, top down, and I noticed the usually lovely, leafy vines were pretty barren. “Ah, of course, its winter” I thought to myself. Its not yet the time for grapes. Suddenly, an image –- an ubai — popped into my head, of a farmer standing in the fields yelling…


the monster that lives in my head

June 6, 2019

A close friend from the Temple and I were carpooling to work one morning when she asked the fateful question: “Hey Alana,  are you planning to be at the mini retreat, the one where we will all take the 8 precepts and stay at the Women’s Center?” Those were basically her actual words, but what I heard was a secret message, roared in a loud, monstrous, voice saying something like,…