Intermezzo 1: Question on Focus

July 25, 2019

Dear Reader — this is the first of two exchanges with Neecha that took place around the Dharma Meltdown period which I would like to share prior to entering the next ‘chapter’ of this blog. The entry here is a question  for Mae Yo about focus: Question: I know that practice has 2 important components, wisdom and focus. I am clear on the wisdom part and, it feels like I become more…


To Close-Out This Chapter On Where We Started…

July 18, 2019

Before we move to the next chapter, present Day Alana, wants to share a few final thoughts. Mostly, I want to admit that the issue of my fear that I am a bad Buddhist has softened, but it is not gone entirely. I still don’t particularly enjoy going to temple and I still feel a bit guilty about it. Sometimes it is because I find temple distracting from my personal…


Flashback to the Beginning

July 11, 2019

So Dear Reader, we have finally made the first of our great catch-ups —  here is the moment in my practice’s timeline where I decided to become a Dharma Blogger. Since it was so so so long ago that the prelude to this blog was first published, this week I want to offer a flashback to the beginning. Here it it again, A Prelude to This Blog. So, Neecha and Phra Anan actually…


Meltdown Recovery

July 4, 2019

As I promised, I went home from the retreat and I really considered exactly what my meltdown was about (since a little dirt on pants is usually something I’m pretty calm about) and if my deep dark concerns were really rational. I typed-up my initial analysis and sent it to Mae Neecha. You can read the email below: Hey Neecha, I hope you are doing well. I really want to thank…