So Long Sweet Ride

May 29, 2020

It was a sorrowful farewell : I pulled the Porsche out of the garage for the final time and drove that tearful trail to Carmax. I took the wayward path, top-down, enjoying one last twisty turny mountain path before I hit the parking lot and went to speak to the dealer about making a sale. We were moving to NY City and the car had to stay behind. I would…


Mine Not Yours

May 22, 2020

I was walking along and suddenly got to thinking back on something strange I had seen a few years before: I was at a construction site, filled with tools and equipment, and near the center of the room was a ladder that had a post-it-note securely taped to it. The note, written in big black marker read, “Mine not yours.” I assume the owner of the ladder had put up the…


Pandemic Pondering: Seriously Please No Not Another….

May 15, 2020

…Interruption in our regulatory scheduled program: I know, I know, Dear Reader, you have gottta be thinking I am the worst, most scatter-brained narrator ever. I just got back to the program, and here I am with yet anoooottthhhheeeer interruption. Ugh, I know, but I promise its just a short reflection. One and Done… The other day, a friend (who incidentally is Buddhist-curious, but not a practicing Buddhist), asked me…


The Magical Shed

May 8, 2020

Once upon a time, in a land called Healdsburg, there was the most magical place called Shed. Shed was a mecca of all things delicious; it had a cafe, deli, grocery store, cookware, bakery, and more. Sometimes it seemed like every last tasty treat in the store was cooked in heaven. Sometimes, but, not always… Whenever Eric and I were even remotely close to Healdsburg we would stop for lunch…


Interruption Part 17: An End to The Interruption

May 1, 2020

This a continuation of the last blog. If you haven’t read previously then please go back and read ‘Interruption Part 16’. My Dear Reader, I thank you for bearing with me on this looooonnnggg interruption in our regularly scheduled program (an orderlyish, linearish blog tracing my meandering dhamma path), this will be the last posting in our Post-Retreat Interruption Series. It is simply a brief reflection of what I have…