On Being Prepared

October 29, 2021

While not exactly a continuation of the last blog, this one does take-up one of it’s themes — my need to be prepared. If you haven’t already done so, you may want to return to the story of my Epic Wardrobe Struggles and start there before reading the current blog. On the tail end of my vacation, I started considering one of the key drivers behind my packing stresses — my need…


Epic Wardrobe Struggles

October 22, 2021

Counting down days to an upcoming vacation to Seattle and Napa, and suddenly I start wondering to myself,  “what the hell am I going to wear on this trip?”  I would rather wear pants than skirts, in case we are hiking a lot, but then I feel like I don’t have a jacket to match most of my pants. Plus, what if we want to go to a fancy meal…


Chasing the Happiness Dragon

October 15, 2021

 A song came on in the radio today —Lean On Me— and I started feeling nostalgic, missing my old summer camp, where every year we ended the camp season singing that song around the campfire.  The irony of my missing camp is this: I went to the same summer camp for 8 years, for five of those eight years, I was miserable; I was so unpopular, the kids all made…


A Painful Beauty

October 8, 2021

Lately I have been contemplating on beauty. It is a quality so dear to me, I dedicate so much of my time, my energy, my possessions in service of it. When I think of a moment I consider to be one of my ‘peak beauty moments’ — standing in front of the full length mirror, modeling my bright red wedding dress, my super-fit 20 something bod and flawless dewy skin —…


Eternal Pairs

October 1, 2021

Pain/pleasure, censure/praise,  gain loss, fame/insignificance, as I was considering the polarity of the worldly conditions, it dawned on me that their pairings are inevitable; they will always come together, unbreakably linked for all time. The reason is simple — whatever has the ability to move in one direction has the ability to move in the other: If something can accumulate it can dissipate, if it can grow it can whither, the…