Videos Sent By Mae Yo Part 3

April 29, 2022

In Nov 2019 Mae Yo sent me a number of YouTube videos to aid my practice and fuel my contemplations, this is the third in a series of blogs that documents my conversation with her/insights on the videos she sent. These are not as long as the pervious few conversations so I will combine several videos/comments in this post. Again, I will link the videos she shared below, I would…


Videos Sent By Mae Yo Part 2

April 22, 2022

In Nov 2019 Mae Yo sent me a number of YouTube videos to aid my practice and fuel my contemplations, this is the second in a series of blogs that documents my conversation with her/insights on  the videos she sent. Again, I will link the video she shared below, I would encourage you to watch the clip prior to reading the rest of the blog. In addition to the video/comments,…


Videos Sent By Mae Yo Part 1

April 15, 2022

In Nov 2019 Mae Yo sent me a number of YouTube videos to aid my practice and fuel my contemplations. I am going to share the videos and my replies to Mae Yo, as well as her comments back to me. I intend to leave this conversations entirely unaltered. I am creating a new tag/section for these particular entries so they are easily delineated, searched and found. Nonetheless they also…


Rupa+Nama = Aha! Contemplation After the 2019 Retreat Part 17: An End to The Interruption

April 1, 2022

This a continuation of the last blog. If you haven’t read previously then please go back and read ‘Part 16’. My Dear Reader, I thank you for bearing with me on this looooonnnggg recap of my early 2020 “interruption in our regularly scheduled program (an orderlyish, linearish blog tracing my meandering dhamma path)”, this here was the final recap post of that  Post-Retreat Interruption Series. It is simply a brief…