The Four Nobel Truths Again (and Again and Again and Again…)

September 30, 2022

I tend to like to keep my practice simple, basic even, but profound; In Buddhism, there is probably nothing more basic — foundational — than the 4 Noble Truths. I suppose that is why I return to them over and over again in my own practice, checking in with them, seeing what I have learned, what additional layers of meaning I can find in these simple but profound teachings. Sitting at…


Videos Sent By May Yo Part 7

September 23, 2022

On May 25, 2020 Mae Yo sent over another videos for me to view. Unfortunately, the link to the video is no longer active so I will proceed to describe the video and the below will share my thoughts/comments back to Mae Yo: The Video: The video was a short clip that showed folks using one of those aging apps for the first time. The app shows what the viewer’s face…


Videos Sent By May Yo Part 6

September 16, 2022

On May 20, 2020 Mae Yo sent over another videos for me to view. Unfortunately, the link to the video is no longer active so I will proceed to describe the story and the below will share my thoughts/comments back to Mae Yo: The Story: The video was a comic clip about two friends who while walking down the street see  a wallet fall out of a a guy’s pocket. Friend…


Videos Sent By May Yo Part 5

September 9, 2022

About a month and a half into Covid lockdowns Mae Yo again sent over a series of videos/images for me to view. I will once again share the media she sent (or descriptions in cases  I am unable to find the videos again) as well as my thoughts and replies. Thoughts on the Fighter: Even at the top of the worldly conditions, life is a struggle. A struggle to get…


Some Final Thoughts on Everything is Dukka –The Cause of Suffering

September 2, 2022

After I had sent Mae Yo and Mae Neecha my uber-long synopsis on everything is suffering, they send back a reply that had a  a simple question: “The Buddha said that there are two kinds of suffering – physical suffering that we cannot avoid and mental suffering that we can avoid. In order to avoid that suffering, we need to know the cause of it. Mae Yo asked, do you…