The Donkey Carrying Salt – Aesop Fable

September 1, 2016

Last night in Buddhism class we spoke about the Aesop fable about the Donkey carrying salt.  One of the points we discussed was about we make excuses not to do things or to do things while not understanding the long term effects or ramifications.  The donkey was carrying salt in  bags for his owner (a salt merchant).  He complained about how heavy they were.  While crossing a stream, the donkey…


About Me – Curtis Wong

August 21, 2016

I’m a retired government employee and grew up in San Francisco.  I starting attending the San Fran Dhammaram Temple (Wat San Fran) in 2011 or 2012.  It seems like an eternity ago.  Or maybe I’m just old and my memory is fading.  My introduction to Buddhism happened in 2007 when I started dating my now wife.  We met in the South Pacific in 2005 on an island called Saipan.  We…