Mom and I Part 3: A Little Gratitude Goes a Long Way

April 26, 2018

A recap: In the last blog I described how I used a simple tool ( A is better than B, B is Better than A, etc.) to begin considering some of  the wrong views I held about my mom, particularly in comparison to my dad. I came to see that I had built an ‘image/memory’  of my mom that was based on my biases (of what characteristics are most valuable), in…


My Mom and I Part 2

April 19, 2018

Click here for My Mom and I part One: It was the 2014 retreat and we were reviewing one of my favorite Dharma tools*, the one where you take 2 objects and compares them as follows: A is Better than B B is Better than A A and B are essentially the same, are they even worth comparing? A and B are so different from each other, are they worth…


The Eight Worldly Conditions

April 12, 2018

After sharing my contemplations about value with Neecha, she offered me another homework assignment she thought might help me push my thinking a bit further. She told me to go and think about the 8 worldly conditions, how do they work, and what do they mean for all of us suckers who have already been born in this world? Before we get to the HW, a little Buddhisty Background might…


So Long and Thanks to All the Fish

April 5, 2018

Ever since I was a kid, I wanted a fish tank. I’m not talking about the small bowl you throw a goldfish into, I am taking the mega fancy big tanks with the super colorful fish. My Mom used to take me to the fish store so I could stare in awe as a kid.  Each tank its own little world, pretty, and orderly and perfectly balanced. When I moved…


Sand Drawings

March 29, 2018

So…we again have a mighty important, but mighty technical blog before us here. I will issue my standard caveat  that I share some of these wonkier contemplations not to mess with your mind, nor as a model for anyone else’s practice to follow. They are here because they played a formative part in my own path, my evolution of thought, so I feel like I can’t really leave them out…


My Very First Contemplation on Yielding

March 22, 2018

Introductory Note on Timing:  As I was writing the last few blogs I noticed that I had accidentally skipped over this current entry, about yielding, that I had meant to post back in the ‘Odds and Ends’ period. It comes from summer 2013  and, since we are already a little out of order, I thought I would include it this week before we get back to our ‘regularly scheduled blog’……


Odds, Ends and some final thoughts on Hate before we return to our regularly scheduled program

March 15, 2018

So Dear Reader, as a re-cap, we are taking a break from our regularly scheduled program and interrupting this nice, orderly, temporally linear(ish) blog about my practice with an intrusion from the present day…. inspired by the filth, noise, overcrowding and rudeness of NYC…I bring you part four in my blog about hate.  Last week, we left off with a real shift, a lightening of my hate load brought about…


Yet Another Interruption in our Regularly Scheduled program Part 3: Why Ya Gotta Be Such a Hater 2.0

March 8, 2018

So Dear Reader, as a re-cap, we are taking a break from our regularly scheduled program and interrupting this nice, orderly, temporally linear(ish) blog about my practice with an intrusion from the present day…. inspired by the filth, noise, overcrowding and rudeness of NYC…I bring you part three in my blog about hate. We left off last week with a moment of realization: Hate is not built into the situations where…


Yet Another Interruption in our Regularly Scheduled program Part 2: Why Ya Gotta Be Such a Hater?

March 1, 2018

So Dear Reader, as a re-cap, we are taking a break from our regularly scheduled program and interrupting this nice, orderly, temporally linear(ish) blog about my practice with an intrusion from the present day…. inspired by the filth, noise, overcrowding and rudeness of NYC…I bring you part two in my blog about hate. We left off last week exploring all the pain and suffering that comes with being a hater….


Yet Another Interruption in our Regularly Scheduled program Part 1: Haters Gonna Hate

February 22, 2018

Well Dear Reader, it has been about a year since the last interruption from our regularly scheduled program and, at risk of starting an unintended holiday tradition, I will beg your pardon for interrupting this nice,orderly, temporally linear(ish) blog with yet another intrusion from the present day…. The thing is, it’s been about a year since my ill-fated move to NY and I still absolutely hate it here. Through herculean efforts…