Get Your Grimey Hands Off My Teacup

October 20, 2016

The reason I chose this story to share is it uses one of my all-time favorite contemplation methods. The method comes directly from a teaching Luang Por Thoon gave to a man named Singh that quickly led to his enlightenment.  The method is essentially asking a series of questions about objects we ‘own’ in order to better understand the nature of the objects (impermanent) and our relationship with those objects…


I Just Bought This Piece of Junk…How Can It Be Broken Already?

October 13, 2016

My cell phone died. I dropped it on the street and when I picked it up I couldn’t get it to start again. It was an older model, had served me well for a few years. I knew it would be a pain to replace (have you ever been to a Verizon store?), it would take time to reload it with all my apps, with the cute icons and live…


I Rather be Doing ANYTHING Other Than Having a Root Canal

October 6, 2016

OK a little warning: This post is a little more technical/boringly written in an effort to more clearly show the structure of my thinking. However, it does deal well with the key cause (wrong view) of fears and phobias –the crazy belief that what has happened to in the past/what we imagine is an indicator of what will happen in the future. Spoiler alert: it’s not, too much changes, all…


Method to Undo the Madness

September 29, 2016

For me, one of the most empowering aspects of the Dharma approach taught by Luang Por Thoon’s students is the use of methods, tools, to structure my practice. Though I incorporate many different tools into my contemplations (I will call-out a few special ones in some of these blogs), there has been one in particular that has supported almost all of my contemplations —  this method, which I will outline…


Why Don’t You Love Me Enough to Not Abandon Me by Dying?

September 22, 2016

I had a very dear friend, we’ll call her Sue, who was quite overweight (FYI I got Sue’s permission before writing this). Try as I might, nothing I did could convince her to drop the pounds. I invited her to exercise classes with me, insisted we eat only healthy foods together, I nagged and pestered, but to no avail. I worried constantly about Sue since she is a friend that…


The Painfully Paralyzing Paranoia Period (Say that 10 Times Fast)

September 15, 2016

So If you will bear with another prelude…when I first came to this practice I suffered from extreme, almost crippling anxiety. I was afraid of almost everything, though disease, death, injury and abandonment certainly topped my list. It quickly became clear that without addressing my fear and the views that underlay it, I just wasn’t going to get anywhere. After all…extreme anxiety is not exactly a clear headed place from which to…


The Story that Launched My Practice…Homeless Alana

September 8, 2016

I was a few days into my first KPY retreat and I was still on the fence about whether or not this approach was for me. I had quietly listened as other folks shared stories from their lives and the realizations they had achieved when they examined their experiences from a correct viewpoint. I still don’t know what persuaded me to finally speak. But I did. I raised my hand…


A Prelude to This Blog — AKA How I Went from Dhamma Hermit to Dhamma Blogger in ‘Just’ 5 Years

September 1, 2016

So, Neecha and Phra Anan actually asked me to start this blog years ago (2011). At first I said yes (because who wants to disappoint their teachers?) but then…on second thought…no.  Neecha told me, “We just get so excited about your practice because it progresses naturally and your examples are so clear that we want others to see how it can be done”. But honestly, I just didn’t think I…


About Me – Alana Denison

August 21, 2016

About Alana: I have been practicing Buddhism, using the methods taught by Venerable Acariya Thoon Khippapanyo’s students, in particular Mae Yo, since around 2010. I grew up in a pretty religious Jewish home, but Judaism never quite fit — I had a lingering sense that the meaning of life, the truth about the nature of this world and myself in it, was out there somewhere and I just needed to…