Dog Series – Adoption – Unbalanced Information

July 27, 2018

Earlier this year, my wife and I was wondering how it felt like to have a dog. We watched some Youtube videos about puppies, how cute and adorable they were and how dogs were so smart and fun to play with. I can say that my wife is a dog person and so am I. One day, she looked at a dog adoption website and found this one particular dog…


“I Deserve It” – Consistency

July 5, 2018

After I realized that the “reward” that I deserve is not really a reward after all (previous blog), now I start to look at the purpose of having to finish those tasks. When I work everyday for 7 to 8 hours a day, why do I do it? I gained money out of it. I need the money to pay mortgage, utility bills, buy foods, and other expenses. Did I…


“I Deserve It” – Reward

June 28, 2018

Many times in my daily life – after a long day of working hard, my mind keep saying that now I deserve a break. I have spent 7 hours of working, my body deserves a break. Then, there was this occasion where I went on a hike. I walked for 4 miles non-stop and the final destination was just 0.5 miles ahead. But my feet were so tired that my…


Ask the Opposite

December 1, 2016

Many times when I feel frustrated on angry about something or situation I am in, there was a question or statement in my head that keeps repeating over and over again. If I pay attention to those questions of statements, they usually have something in common. They are pointing outwards, blaming others, talking about other people. And this technique has helped me numerous time in pointing out my mistake and…


King of Thailand & Kathina

October 27, 2016

People all around the world woke up one day and realized that the most honored King of Thailand had passed away. It was such a devastating news to some that they cried their heart out as I watched them on several media channels. In Thailand as well as San Francisco and many other places, people gathered to pay respect and it was so touching for me to witness such an…


I Deserve It

October 20, 2016

In one of the Dhamma classes broadcasted by Wat San Fran Dhammaram, I listened to the story of Prince Siddhartha and his love for his wife, Yashodara. There was no doubt that Yasodhara was the perfect wife for Prince Siddhartha. They had been together for so many lifetime. There was no other human being more suitable for Yashodara but Prince Siddhartha. There were many reasons why they should be together:…


Weather vs. Laziness

October 13, 2016

One weekend, Theresia and I decided to go to LA to meet with our long time friend who visited LA from Indonesia. A get-together dinner event was held on a Saturday evening so we all got a chance to meet him and his family. Several hours before the event, it was hot outside. I was debating if I had to bring jacket before going out and get lunch. The plan…


Wrong Question…

October 6, 2016

When I heard one of my friends considered about moving out of the city, I asked him “is it really expensive to live in the city at the moment?” Right away, he looked at me with an annoyed look and replied “why do you even ask that kind of question?” And the conversation ended with us being in an awkward situation. That night, I thought about that very question I…


I Don’t Feel It…I Don’t Get It!

September 29, 2016

Whenever I contemplated about self and self belongings, I understand that my laptop, water bottles, car, cellphone, books, watch, chair, desk, and so on are not truly owned by me. But every time I tried to relate it with my body, I can’t really get pass it. I don’t feel it. I don’t see it. I don’t get it. I am frustrated. I remembered one of the Buddha’s teachings as mentioned…