Silent Answer

November 3, 2016

While my mom was here, we took her grocery shopping (different than banana incident). I found her at the seafood section buying a lot of fish so I tried telling her that it was too much but she insisted that they tasted great and we’d love it. I wanted to argue that they would just go to waste because we wouldn’t be able to finish them and if we wanted…



October 20, 2016

Disclaimer: I’m using my mom in my stories solely to share the process on how I learned things through my issues with her. Yes, we didn’t have good relationship for years but it has been a lot better now. Please keep on reading my newer posts if you’d like to find out what happened and what changed me.   About 8.5 months after my dad passed away, my mom came…



October 6, 2016

When I was in college, I had to take an ethic class in order to graduate.  Business ethic was a tough class according to my friends who had taken it.  They told me (and my friends) to take another ethic class.  Easy A guaranteed. So me and 2 more friends registered for the class.  I didn’t even bother reading what it was about until the first day in class (or…



September 29, 2016

When my dad passed away, the pain was so unbearable I’d do anything to not feel it.  Since I practiced meditation, I wanted to go to the meditation course right away.  There was one course starting in a week but with a LONG wait list (which usually means I most likely wouldn’t get a space).  With teary eyes, I wrote them a note that my father had just passed away…


Letting Go

September 22, 2016

At the first KPY retreat I went, we played a game called 20 questions. The way it goes is, 1 person chooses a physical item around the area. The other players can ask up to 20 questions to find out what the item is. The least questions you ask to find the item, the better.


Finding Suffering

September 15, 2016

After my dad passed away, I took another 10-day meditation course the week after. I gave that 10-day everything I got left in me. Unfortunately, it didn’t solve my problem. The pain was still there. I was desperate so when my husband asked if I wanted to come back to Wat San Fran for the Dhamma discussion, I agreed. I was born into a Buddhist family. My mother used to…



September 8, 2016

**This was an old post written as testimonial for Wat San Fran. I’d like to include it in my blog because it was part of my journey along this path.** 1/4/2013 –  One year ago today, the worst thing in life I could ever imagine happened to me. My beloved father passed away. My father and I lived halfway around the world apart. We hadn’t seen each other for 11 years…



September 1, 2016

The week after KPY retreat, Phra Anan asked several of us if we wanted to write a blog for KPY website. I wanted to say no because I felt I wasn’t good enough and I usually got things wrong almost every time anyway, I felt that I didn’t have much to offer to other people. It’s embarrassing enough to share your thoughts in front of other people and be told…


About Me – Theresia Jap

August 21, 2016

I was born and raised in Indonesia. I’ve been a Buddhist since I was only a couple days new but my mom has a great story about her very vivid dream when I was in her womb about how the demons were going to take me and she asked everyone to help me and the only one who could save me was the Buddha. I went to Buddhist school until…