Conversations on Karma Part 6: My Trouble With Tit-For-Tat, This for This, That for That Karma

June 30, 2023

Mae Neecha sent a few more resources, additional Buddhist stories of past lives, to help educate my karma contemplations further. I am linking the stories she sent here as they are salient to the conversation below, so please check-out the stories before reading on: AD: the Kāḷavaḷiya story is simply that the tendency of the wife is bravery (in all this the husband benefits by association, which also makes…


Conversations on Karma Part 4: Some Advice Brings Some Clarity and Motivation

April 28, 2023

MN: The main thing is the normalization of certain behaviors/ways of thinking/views – this is what we act out day to day without stopping to question ourselves – this is at the foundation of karma/deeds. Like you mentioned, once you do it once, the second time is easier. Then you keep doing it until it becomes who you are, until you don’t even see that there are other options to choose…


Jason and the Computer – Part 2

February 2, 2017

One day Jason was doing homework on the computer. He was doing online lessons on a website that the school told him to go to. When I was walking out to where he was studying, I saw that he closed a window on his computer. When I questioned him about it he said he didn’t close a window. I know what I saw and I knew that he was lying….


Once while I was vacation in Thailand….

January 26, 2017

Once I was vacationing in Thailand and while I was walking back to my place in Bangkok, I noticed a truck in the side street that led to my place. It was carrying a large metal frame object. It was stopped and holding up traffic because it couldn’t get pass low hanging wires. I saw a person on top of the truck wrapping a wire around the tangled wires. I…


Fear of Ghosts

December 29, 2016

In my basement at home, I have two light switches. One light switch turns on a single light that will provide adequate light for going down to the room in the basement. The other switch will turn on all the lights in the basement (big light). I noticed that Jason would turn on the big light when he goes down to the basement room. I asked him why he had…


King of Thailand & Kathina

October 27, 2016

People all around the world woke up one day and realized that the most honored King of Thailand had passed away. It was such a devastating news to some that they cried their heart out as I watched them on several media channels. In Thailand as well as San Francisco and many other places, people gathered to pay respect and it was so touching for me to witness such an…