Contemplations from the 2015 Retreat: Lets Look More Carefully at This Idea of Keeping Future Options Open

So, by the time I got back from my forest nap adventure, I had a pretty solid grasp on the limitations of my ability to preserve what I have, i.e. to keep and maintain control over my present circumstances. But there is another idea in my always choosing A — a fairly pervasive one in my life really — that I can make decisions to hedge my future, to keep…


Contemplations from the 2015 Retreat: Back to the Problem at Hand: Why I Always Chose A

Don’t worry, no need to stress, this isn’t a cliff hanger story. Sure, I took a wayward path, but I assure you we are still on topic…Why do I always chose A? As I was sitting in the forest I had a thought, the reason Eric and I stressed so much about the job choice, and then ultimately chose A is simple — we believe we are better than those…



วันก่อนฝันถึงคุณแม่ โดยในฝันคุณแม่สวมชุดที่เราเจอเป็นวันสุดท้ายก่อนท่านจะเสีย ศรีษะไม่มีผมจากการให้ยารักษามะเร็งเหมือนในวันนั้นแต่สิ่งที่แตกต่างออกไปคือใบหน้า คุณแม่ที่ฝันเห็นนั้นมีใบหน้าที่อ่อนวัย สวย และมีรอยยิ้มที่สดใสมาก ด้วยความดีใจที่ได้เจอเราจึงเข้าไปกอด แต่ปรากฏว่าท่านนิ่งเฉยเหมือนเรากอดหุ่นที่ไม่มีความรู้สึกใดๆ เมื่อเงยขึ้นมองหน้าคุณแม่ก็ยังเห็นใบหน้าที่ยิ้มอยู่อย่างนั้นแต่ในดวงตาไม่แสดงความรู้สึกอะไรเลย ตอนนั้นรู้สึกได้ทันทีเลยว่าคนนี้ไม่ใช่คุณแม่ของเรา เมื่อตื่นขึ้นมาก็ยังจำความรู้สึกในฝันนี้ได้แม่นเหมือนเกิดขึ้นจริง


Contemplations from the 2015 Retreat : I see Said the Blind Woman as She Picked-up the Hammer and Saw…Finally a Little Insight

A note to my readers: this blog is a direct continuation of contemplations from Contemplations from the 2015 Retreat : Priming the Pump for Insight with contemplations on security and preserving. If you have not already done so, head back and read that entry before you proceed further. Slowly, I woke from my nap and I opened my eyes to see that the forest floor was covered in leaves. In…


Contemplations from the 2015 Retreat : Priming the Pump for Insight with Contemplations on Security and Preserving.

A note to my readers: this blog is a direct continuation of contemplations from the 2015 Retreat: It’s multiple choice, but I always chose A (i.e.The Problem). If you have not already done so, head back and read that entry before you proceed further. Background Thoughts: For those of you who may be new to this blog, we are going to skip ahead to a conclusion easily born-out by 100…


Contemplations from the 2015 Retreat: It’s multiple choice, but I always chose A (i.e.The Problem)

I showed-up at the 2015 retreat with fresh emotional wounds hard won from the struggle of weighty decision making about my husband, Eric’s, next career move. Eric had gotten 2 job offers: A) from a company we will call F.U.ber, from the get-go we expected it would be painfully unpleasant, but secure and lucrative; and B) from a company called Sonos, which we expected to have good work life balance,…


Mahajanaka Jataka

A brief introduction to the Jatakas: I suppose it’s not really something most of us Buddhists think about much, but the Buddha, who was superduppermegga awesome in his final life,  took awhile to get there. In fact, the Jataka Tales, which recount the past lives of the Buddha-to-be, have around 550 stories — not exactly instant enlightenment huh?   To me, it’s pretty heartening really, even the Buddha had to follow…


Fickle Little Liar

Dear Reader — This blog is a direct continuation of the last blog, I Won’t Be Leaving on That Jet Plane. If you haven’t already read that one go ahead and do so before you continue here. Over one weekend nothing outside really changed. And yet, a whole new ‘Jet set’ life, with new possibilities, was born in my head. And then in my head it died. Was Jet inherently risky/undesirable…


I Admit it…I Love a Teeny Bopper Drama

Yup, I admit it, Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Charmed … I have a slightly unnatural love for the teeny bopper drama. The thing is these shows — rife with the undead, the supernatural, the witches, zombies, werewolves and end times — do double duty: 1) they are easy and fun to watch and 2) they make for excellent dharma contemplation. Seriously, the characters are so flat, the themes so black and white,…