About Me – Paul Buckley

A little about me and what got me here: I grew up here in San Francisco and near by Daly City. I am the youngest of 3. Both my parents are very loving, kind, caring people who did their best. I have many friends from my childhood and adulthood from all walks of life; different backgrounds, socioeconomic levels, education levels, ages, colors, religions, you name it. These people as well…


About Me – Theresia Jap

I was born and raised in Indonesia. I’ve been a Buddhist since I was only a couple days new but my mom has a great story about her very vivid dream when I was in her womb about how the demons were going to take me and she asked everyone to help me and the only one who could save me was the Buddha. I went to Buddhist school until…


About Me – Curtis Wong

I’m a retired government employee and grew up in San Francisco.  I starting attending the San Fran Dhammaram Temple (Wat San Fran) in 2011 or 2012.  It seems like an eternity ago.  Or maybe I’m just old and my memory is fading.  My introduction to Buddhism happened in 2007 when I started dating my now wife.  We met in the South Pacific in 2005 on an island called Saipan.  We…


About Me – Alana Denison

About Alana: I have been practicing Buddhism, using the methods taught by Venerable Acariya Thoon Khippapanyo’s students, in particular Mae Yo, since around 2010. I grew up in a pretty religious Jewish home, but Judaism never quite fit — I had a lingering sense that the meaning of life, the truth about the nature of this world and myself in it, was out there somewhere and I just needed to…