Amazon Oh Amazon Please Don’t Be Out Of Stock, If I Can’t Depend on You I am Totally Fucked

July 22, 2022

I was trolling on Amazon, hoping to find those precious pandemic goods — toilet paper, disinfectants, hand sanitizer — to add to my stash. Out of stock, out of stock, out of stock, is all I kept encountering. Frustrated that good ole’ dependable Amazon just couldn’t be depended on anymore to bring me the stuff I want, the stuff I NEED, I got to thinking about an old Amazon inspired contemplation…


A Relaxing Way to Die

November 19, 2021

To celebrate Eric’s birthday I booked us massages and hot cedar baths at a spa in Sebastopol. We arrived, and just stepping foot in the door made me feel at ease — there was soothing music playing, a lovely koi pond, and the smell of lavender hung in the air. Baths were our first adventure, and we were shown into a large room with 2 tubs filled with brownish mulch…


On Being Prepared

October 29, 2021

While not exactly a continuation of the last blog, this one does take-up one of it’s themes — my need to be prepared. If you haven’t already done so, you may want to return to the story of my Epic Wardrobe Struggles and start there before reading the current blog. On the tail end of my vacation, I started considering one of the key drivers behind my packing stresses — my need…


The Genes Don’t Lie

August 20, 2021

I saw a super old guy on the street, using a walker, hunched over, just trying to make it to the other side, but moving so so so slowly. His family was trying to help, speaking encouragement, but the guy was taking unbearably long… I started thinking, “That could be me one day. It was my Grandma Rose after all. What makes me think I’m special, that I am exempt…


Daily Evidence Exercises: Impermanence, Control and Special — October Part 3

April 16, 2021

This blog is the part of a series where I will share a selection of the daily dhamma data collection/ exercises, which I committed to for the 2018 Vassa period.  Today’s selection will all be highlights from the month of October, 2018. For more details on the exercise and commitment, please see the this blog. Impermanence Today I saw two twin looking trees in a field. The same type of tree…


Daily Evidence Exercises: Impermanence, Control and Special — September Part 2

April 9, 2021

This blog is part of a series where I will share a selection of the daily dhamma data collection/ exercises, which I committed to for the 2018 Vassa period.  Today’s selection will all be highlights from the month of September, 2018. For more details on the exercise and commitment, please see this blog. Impermanence I had a particularly difficult client for my business and I decided I was going to ask…


Daily Evidence Exercises: Impermanence, Control and Special — August Part 1

April 2, 2021

This blog is the beginning of a series where I will share a selection of the daily dhamma data collection/ exercises, which I committed to for the 2018 Vassa period.  Today’s selection will all be highlights from the month of August, 2018. For more details on the exercise and commitment, please see the previous blog. Impermanence Expected a friend to meet me for dinner but she canceled last min. At first,…


That Was Then and This is Now: Contemplations From the 2018 Retreat Part 3 — Mae Neecha’s Reply

March 19, 2021

Dear Reader, below I have shared Mae Neecha’s reply and suggestions to my email to her about my contemplations form the 2018 retreat. If you have not already done so, please go back and read the last 2 blog entries that share my original email to her. This is great progress, really sharp observations about causality. Overall, your plan seems to be on track. If there was only one thing…


A Trip Down Memory Lane

August 21, 2020

I went to a family reunion in upstate New York and my aunt pulled-out her old photo albums. She handed me a pic of three teenage boys standing in a row and asked, “do you know who that one in the middle is?” I took a few wild guesses before she told me it was my dad.  Shocked, I grabbed the picture for a closer look; I was so close to my…


No Going Back to SF

July 10, 2020

I keep catching myself whispering the secret-not-so-secret mantra, “I wish I could just go home to San Francisco.”  I miss my friends, my house, my routines, I miss my old life and I want it back.  But spoiler alert, its not possible, there is no going back. After-all, what would going back really look like? My husband’s job is here now, am I going to go back without him? Or…