The Relationship Between Desire, Clinging, Mine and Self

May 20, 2022

By the end of 2019, my contemplations around rupa that had begun during the retreat, had grown increasingly more refined. While at times those contemplations seemed stunted or fragmented, I had moments where they really began to gel into a cohesive understanding. Though self and self belonging –grounded in rupa — are a prevalent theme of the time,  I also began to  expand my considerations and explore the role of nama,…


Rupa+Nama = Aha! Contemplation After the 2019 Retreat Part 17: An End to The Interruption

April 1, 2022

This a continuation of the last blog. If you haven’t read previously then please go back and read ‘Part 16’. My Dear Reader, I thank you for bearing with me on this looooonnnggg recap of my early 2020 “interruption in our regularly scheduled program (an orderlyish, linearish blog tracing my meandering dhamma path)”, this here was the final recap post of that  Post-Retreat Interruption Series. It is simply a brief…


Rupa+Nama = Aha! Contemplation After the 2019 Retreat Part 14: Alana The Great Rupa Whisperer

March 18, 2022

In the wake of my cake baking contemplation and seeing the extreme limits on my control/tendency to use rupa arrangements to define who I am, I had gone to get my nails done. About a week later, looking down at them, I caught myself feeling surprised that the polish had started chipping so soon. At lightning speed, I caught myself thinking, “I have been being so careful with them.” Then…


Rupa+Nama = Aha! Contemplation After the 2019 Retreat Part 13: Alana the Great Arranger

March 11, 2022

After all of my contemplations I was beginning to see that there was nothing innately special in my objects or my body. Just varying, shifting arrangements of 4 elements. I knew I was not my arrangements, and yet, I couldn’t shake the belief that those arrangements, and my ability to bring them about, must prove something about ME. Alana the great arranger!  I knew I had a huge wrong view remaining – that…


Rupa+Nama = Aha! Contemplation After the 2019 Retreat Part 12: A Major Breakthrough Part 2

March 4, 2022

This blog is a direct continuation on the previous blog, “Interruption Part 11: A Major Breakthrough Part 1”. If you have not read that blog yet please go ahead and read it first before you continue on with this one. Does rupa do what I think/ want/imagine in an absolute sense or in relation to myself?  Is a quality fixed/innate in myself — Again I started thinking about beauty. I realized that…


More Alike Than Different

November 12, 2021

I walked into Starbucks today and there was a homeless man making a mess at his table near the door, I felt myself move to give him wide berth, going to stand as far from his table as I possibly could while still holding my place in line. The truth is, the man, his rupa (physical form), disgusted me — the smell of filth mixed with urine, the look of…


Epic Wardrobe Struggles

October 22, 2021

Counting down days to an upcoming vacation to Seattle and Napa, and suddenly I start wondering to myself,  “what the hell am I going to wear on this trip?”  I would rather wear pants than skirts, in case we are hiking a lot, but then I feel like I don’t have a jacket to match most of my pants. Plus, what if we want to go to a fancy meal…


And It’s Still About Me and Me, Again…

September 24, 2021

This blog is a direct continuation of the previous entry — Its about me and me. If you have not already done so, please go back and read that entry before you proceed here. On the tail of realizing that my own standards/impossible desires –and my inability to uphold them — lay at the heart of my negative feelings about my Mom, I started considering a few other troubled relationships in…


It’s About Me and Me

September 17, 2021

Today I was at Whole Foods and a call came over the loudspeaker, ” Can the owner of the silver BMW with plate number XYZ please come to the front”.  That was me, “that is my car” I said, as I rushed to the front desk. It turns out I had parked crooked over the line and the person in the space next to me couldn’t get out. I hadn’t…