Backside of The Moon

July 30, 2021

Eric and I were traveling in Japan over the 2018/2019 holidays and we decided to spend a few days in Naoshima, an island in the Seto Sea famous for its many museums and art instillations. Eric and I went into an instillation, Backside of the Moon, by the artist James Turrell and the piece absolutely blew me away. Spoiler alert here: I am about to describe he piece, so if you…



April 24, 2017

ครูบาอาจารย์ให้ดูคลิปวีดีโออันนึงแล้วให้นำมาพิจารณา วีดีโอนี้มีมดตัวนึงไปเก็บศพมดอีกตัว แล้วแบกเดินไปเดินมา พอดูเสร็จเราก็นั่งด่ามดว่าทำไมมันโง่อย่างงี้ มดอีกตัวตายแล้ว จะแบกไปแบกมาให้ลำบากตัวเองทำไม ซักพักสะดุ้งขึ้นมาว่าอ้าวเราก็เป็น มีพี่คนนึงซื้อเคสโทรศัพท์ให้เรา ปกติคนซื้อของให้เรามักไม่ถูกใจ แต่เคสอันนี้ชอบมาก สีและพื้นผิวด้านๆถูกใจ มีวงแหวนให้จับ ชอบมาก แม้เคยเห็นแบบนี้มาแล้วก็ยังไม่ชอบเท่าอันนี้ เราเป็นคนซุ่มซ่ามชอบทำโทรศัพท์ตก เราทำตกหลายครั้งจนเคสแตกใช้ไม่ได้ แม้ตอนนี้เคสอันนั้นได้ตายจากเราไปแล้ว โยนทิ้งไปในถังขยะแล้วด้วย แต่ใจมันยังผูกกับเคสอันนี้อยู่ เวลาหยิบโทรศัพท์มาใช้ก็คิดถึงเคส


Once while I was vacation in Thailand….

January 26, 2017

Once I was vacationing in Thailand and while I was walking back to my place in Bangkok, I noticed a truck in the side street that led to my place. It was carrying a large metal frame object. It was stopped and holding up traffic because it couldn’t get pass low hanging wires. I saw a person on top of the truck wrapping a wire around the tangled wires. I…


Twilight zone S1 E5 – Walking Distance

January 19, 2017

I was watching some old episodes of Twilight Zone. There was one episode (Season 1 – Episode 15 – Walking Distance) that I liked. The episode was about an advertising executive who hated his life. One day he just got into his car and started driving. He stopped at a gas station for an oil change, when deciding what do while he waited, he saw a road sign that said…



January 5, 2017

In early October, I went on a hike in Yosemite with the fitbit group I belong to. In the middle of the hike, we walked uphill for a while then we had to walk downhill. I was gratefully for the break; however, after a couple of minutes, I realized that walking downhill now (easy) means that on the way back, we would have to walk uphill. Also walking uphill is…


Pokemon Go – Part 1

December 1, 2016

In July I was working with a two people on an out-of-town assignment.  One of them was playing a game on his phone called Pokemon Go.  I remember the Pokemon cartoon when I was growing up, but I didn’t know that a game had come out for smartphones.  One person said it was great, the other said it was stupid and a waste of time. In the past, I would…